I’m not sure if anyone reads this or follows us anymore but that certainly won’t stop me from picture overload J We are a little more than 3 months post-op and I think Evan is continuing to heal nicely. We asked our daycare provider, Maria, to help us with scar massage and she does it whenever she can. It is hard to put an 11.5 month old on a changing table, let alone have him sit still to massage his forehead. I’d love to trade places with him!! Anyway, not much else to update. Evan has had a bad runny nose now for almost two weeks, ever since his first flight, so I blame the recycled air. Or the fact that it is 39 degrees in late-March, 10 days after we were in the 80s in Florida. No fever, so I have made it almost 365 days without having to stay home from work to tend to a sick baby. I’ll take it (and continue to knock on wood!). We got up to 18 steps last night so I’ll give him a few more weeks until we both become mini marathon runners from chasing his cuteness around the house. Enjoy the pics!