Remember in college when you had an exam late at night and the day just flew by, and you show up, possibly ill-prepared, with that knot in your stomach? Maybe it was just me :). But that is what I felt allll day in anticipation of Evan’s fill tonight. I could not stop thinking to myself, “I cannot wait until Saturday morning, because then it will be over”.
Jeff and I alternated staying home with Evan this week. Our nurses advised us against having his mom watch him (our original plan) as Evan is not used to CJ’s germs, whom is also under his moms care during the day. We didn’t want to take any chances, and luckily our bosses were willing to work with us. Jeff was home with Evan today, and about an hour before I got home, loaded his port up with Emla cream.
When I got home, Jeff told me his mom offered to come over and help. The fill process works best with three people: one person to hold Evan down, one person to do the fill, and one person to occupy/distract Evan. All three jobs are very important! For the first time at home, I set up the needle and syringe. Luckily we have written instructions or I may have forgotten a few steps.
Once the Emla cream was cleaned off Evan’s port (3-step process), we were ready. Evan has taken a ridiculous liking to “Gangnam Style” and Jeff’s mom was ready to entertain. As Evan was focused on the iPad and Jeff’s mom, I took a deep breath, and stuck the needle in the port. He didn’t flinch!!!! I did the test to ensure I was in the port by filling it with 3 cc’s, then taking them out. We were golden. We proceeded to get 12 cc’s in, so we are up to 57 cc’s, which is 22% of our goal. I think we could have gotten more, but better safe than sorry.
I was sooooo relieved that Evan clearly felt nothing. He was a super champ and Jeff and I were so relieved. I think we will have to do more than 9 more fills based on how much we are getting in, but we’ll see. Hopefully downhill from here on out!
I forgot to mention Evan’s 6-month old stats in my last post:
Height: 26 ¾: 64th Percentile
Weight: 15 pounds 5 ounces, 14th Percentile
Head: 42.8 cm, 25th Percentile
Jeff and I think his bubble will look even bigger on his tiny head!! Ha!

Sterile station with supplies

After fill #2 - much more prominent on the side
