Evan is doing awesome. We definitely took a few steps back with his sleep routine but last night was a good night so hopefully we are progressing once again. He has had a few visitors which has been great, and everyone is impressed with how well he is doing. He really doesn’t seem any different…same old Evan with a bubble! We stopped by daycare today too so his sitter and two of the girls (each 4 years old) could see him. I think the girls were a little confused, which was expected. It will be interesting to see what they think once the bubble is huge!
I wanted to show a picture and explain his port (below). It is underneath his skin, and this is where we will inject the saline once a week. I hope the numbing cream works better this round, otherwise, Jeff and I may be switching duties. You'll also notice he has tape on his expander. This is due to a point in the actual expander. The tape is suppose to relieve the point and ensure fluid is evenly dispersed (all very normal!).
Pictures are more interesting than my thoughts, and there isn’t much more to update, so enjoy!

Port and tube to expander

Thumb sucker!

And he loves peas!

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