Sunday, December 23, 2012

Photo dump

Not much to update but wanted to share pictures.

Evan is doing great. He stopped the Tylenol/Motrin a few days ago. We wash his scars and head and he isn't happy about that but he is eating and sleeping like he was pre-surgery.

We are great too. Jeff and I feel so blessed to have Evan and each day we fall in love with him all over again. He is seriously the best thing that has ever happened to us!!

Baby Psy?


Healing amazingly!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Surgery #2


I can hardly contain my excitement. I will get into the story of Evan’s surgery but I want everyone to know that he is doing amazing. This kid bounces back so quick, besides the fact that his eyes are swollen shut, you would never have known he had ridiculously invasive surgery less than 48 hours ago.

We weren’t in any rush to get to the hospital like we were for surgery number one. We knew we would be sitting around for 90 minutes and didn’t think we’d get into too much trouble if we showed up a tad late. This goes against my nature, so in reality we were about 5 minutes late, so at the hospital shortly after 6am. We waited around like before, tried to keep Evan distracted (he ate at 2:55am and couldn’t have anything past that), and tried to stay positive. I remember feeling sick to my stomach before his first surgery but NOTHING like this. I had to give Evan to Jeff multiple times thinking I was going to be sick. Luckily, I was able to hold what little food I had in my stomach down, but my nerves were just out of control.

Around 7:15am, Dr. Bauer came in to see us and check out Evan’s bubble in person before surgery. He was impressed and seemed to be very pleased with the results. He also had another doctor with him who asked us for permission to take some of Evan’s nevus and send it to a lab at Children’s in Pittsburgh where they are conducting a long term study on congenital nevus. I asked how it would survive, as my high school level biology education would make me think if they remove the birthmark and its cells, they would die upon removal from their host site. Well, apparently anything can live on ice and the doctor explained that they would overnight his nevus to keep those cells alive. The hospital in Chicago would also be running tests on the birthmark to ensure it is benign.

Next thing I knew, we were headed to the operating waiting room with Evan. He was SO brave, and I just kept telling myself to hold it together and to not let him sense my fear and anxiety. I think I did pretty well, but of course, the second I gave him to the nurse, I turned around to head toward the waiting room and was once again hysterical. I avoided looking back this time because that would have put me over the edge.

Dr. Bauer told us Evan’s surgery would take about 1.5 hours. He overestimated the time for surgery number one, so I guess I assumed he’d do the same now. Evan is still exclusively breastfed, and I remembered how he wouldn’t nurse but took quickly to the bottle post surgery #1. Given how long it had been since he ate and when he’d be out of surgery, I headed down to the women’s center to pump. That way, when Evan woke up, we’d all be good and comfortable.

When I was gone, Jeff got the call that Evan was in surgery around 7:50. I was surprised it took so long but figured we’d be absolutely done by 9:30. Then, waiting…waiting, and more waiting. Lots of games on our phones and lots of texting. It was 9:45 and nothing…then we started to get worried. The waiting room has a screen that shows all patients (by ID number, not name, of course), surgeons name, surgery time, and current status. Dr. Bauer showed another surgery at 9:30, and that patient’s status stated they were in pre-op. It was close to 10 before Dr. Bauer and his doctor-in-training Dr. Dickey came by.

They told us it took a little longer than normal but no nevus removal is ever the same. He told us he was able to remove all of the birthmark (YES!!!!!!!!!!) and highly doubted the need for another surgery to align the eyebrows. We were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy and I just wanted him in my arms. He said he put in two drains this time because there was so much skin where his bubble was that he wanted to make sure it drained ok. After another 20-30 minutes of waiting (aka eternity), we were finally allowed to see Evan. He had the same head dressing, two drains and he was fast asleep. We tried waking him up but like before, he screamed as he came out of being under. We were put into a private room much quicker this time, and for the first 20 minutes (again, eternity), Evan was NOT happy. I had no idea what to do, I felt so helpless, and he seemed to be in so much pain. I know he was just coming out of being under, and he was probably sore, but I had no idea what to do. Jeff and I went back and forth trying to calm him down. He wouldn’t take his bottle at all so my only hope was that he would nurse and just like that, he calmed down and ate like a champ.

Evan’s mood was up and down for a few hours, but he was eating and had wet diapers, which was good enough for the nurse to let us go home at 2pm! We were a little weary but not concerned as we felt much more comfortable with all of this the second time around. His drains would need to be changed every 4 hours, and Tylenol/Motrin every 4 hours as well. I figured he’d sleep much better at the hotel than at a loud hospital.

We got back and all took a nap, and it was wonderful. Evan was still a little uncomfortable but we tried to make sure he was ahead of his meds. Unfortunately, the day of surgery I woke up with a terrible sore throat. It is now all in my sinuses so I’m thinking either my 3253th sinus infection of just a head cold. Jeff totally stepped up at night, however, as I didn’t want to give Evan any germs, but more notably I needed sleep to get over whatever I am fighting.

We took Evan to see the nurses today and to reveal the results of surgery. I was so nervous but also very excited to see the masterpiece. I was shocked. I will show pictures below but they truly do not do justice. Dr. Bauer did a fantastic job, and I will forever be grateful for his work. I never doubted coming to Chicago for the best doctor, and after seeing the results, I am one thousand times certain we did the right thing. Evans eyes are pretty swollen, actually very swollen to the point where he can hardly see. He looks completely different and it is kind of funny and sad at the same time. His demeanor is great, and I’d say by Tuesday night, he is at 90-95% himself. He is eating milk and solids just like normal Evan, and tonight he started clapping his hands. This is such a small milestone but we think it is the coolest thing he has ever done, especially because he does it in response us clapping or telling him to clap.

Evan’s drains have very little output, which is great news. The nurse was hesitant to take them out just 24 hours post-op, but said it would be unlikely for them to suddenly start filling up and by tomorrow afternoon we could probably have them removed. Our plan is to go back to the doctor’s office tomorrow afternoon to have his drains removed. He may still need the head getup to protect the new skin and keep things moist. The nurse said it would take a few weeks for the skin to “take”. He has dissolvable stitches along his browline and stitches that will need to be removed zigzagged
throughout his head.

The plan is to leave Chicago early on Thursday. There is a storm that is threatening the Midwest, so we will have to plan our trip around that. Originally we had planned to stop in Streetsboro, Ohio, which is roughly the halfway point. However, if this storm tracks accurately, it will basically be following us home. I am terrified to drive in inclement weather, and will be even more scared with Evan on board. We will see how things go and will do the trip in a day if it means avoiding getting stuck in a storm.
The pictures really don’t do justice as I mentioned before, and Evan is doing awesome. We are so happy this journey is coming to an end. His scar will need to be massaged (once it has healed) multiple times a day for about a year. He will always have a scar, but I plan on telling people, and having him tell people that he got bit by a shark. The ladies will love that.

Thanks again to everyone for your love and support. It brings tears to our eyes the amount of texts and calls we got and continue to get to check up on Evan. No parent should have to see their children in pain but we lean on each other for support and it truly has helped us through this small chapter in Evan’s life.

The bean!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

We were about two hours from arriving in Chicago yesterday and as I drove through the rain and fog, I couldn’t help but shake my head in disbelief. Jeff saw me do this and immediately asked me what I was thinking and I told him that as I drove, I somewhat recognized the browner scenery, and I could not believe that we were already less than 48 hours removed from the end of this journey.

It took us about 12.5 hours to drive to Chicago this time but it felt like 20. We noticed Evan cut his second tooth yesterday and that coupled with a baby who is ready to see the world (and NOT via carseat), meant a long cranky ride.

Jeff got a call from the North Shore Hospital on Friday to confirm Evan will have his surgery at 7:30am CST. We are relaxing in the hotel today, watching football, mentally preparing ourselves for tomorrow. Evan is much MUCH better (despite a 4am wake up time) and I think we
are all ready to put this behind us and start the next chapter.

Until then!


Monday, December 10, 2012

Evans FINAL Fill!!

I cannot believe we’re here. I couldn’t wait for this very moment a short 11 weeks ago. This moment seemed as though it would take forever to reach, lots of tears, more questions along the lines of “why us,” etc etc. But all of that is behind us and we are DONE with fills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We didn’t quite reach our goal of 250 cc’s but Dr. Bauer said Evan looked great and there was no need to do our final planned fill. We reached 234 CC’s and his newly grown skin is perfect. No bruising, no redness, just flawlessness.

We did Evan’s final fill on Saturday. We got in another 22 cc’s and as I administered the needle going into his port, I thought to myself, “I have a feeling we’re done after this.” I have never been so happy about being RIGHT about something. We also taped this last fill ( and as always, he was a champ.

So now, we wait. I should be in Texas this week for work, but there was no way that was happening. There is too much to do to prepare for the next trip, and the last thing I need is to be away for a few days. I am just so ready this is almost over. I mentioned in a previous post that we may be overly optimistic to think this is it for surgeries. There could be an issue with eyebrow misalignment, not enough new skin to cover the whole birthmark, and who knows what else. But we’re here, we got here with no major hiccups or roadblocks, and all we can do is focus on next Monday. My guess is Evan will have surgery first thing, at 7:30am. Assuming all goes well our plan is to start driving home that Thursday but stop in Ohio to break up the trip and arrive home midday Friday. We don’t want to push him as he will probably be sore post surgery.

Until then…please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. This has been QUITE the journey, and we are getting by with the love and support from our family and friends.

Click to enlarge.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

On the Mend

Holy eventful weekend. I can with pleasure say that Evan seems to be on the mend. We arrived at his pediatrician a few minutes before they opened on Saturday and after a 90 minute appointment, we left with a probable viral infection diagnosis. Evans ears, lungs, throat, nose all looked clear, so the doctor decided to take blood and a nose swap to test for the flu. Everything came back good, but his red blood cell count was slightly elevated which apparently means a possible viral infection. The doctor who Evan saw had never examined him before and had never see a bubble boy before. He was extremely cautious and protective of Evan’s health, and wanted to do additional tests to ensure he didn’t have a skin infection. He also contacted Dr. Bauer in Chicago to make sure he wasn’t missing anything while reviewing his lab results. Now that is what I call true customer care!

Despite Evan’s health improvement, his sleep/nap/schedule is now completely messed up. We had such a schedule…naps, sleep, eating, all of it was set. Not only did Evan turn 8 months old on Friday (which based on the copious amounts of research I’ve done is a huge huge developmental age for them), he also now has a tooth (and maybe a second..and OMG ouch). Evan also pulled himself up for the first time on our basement ottoman. Apparently these little guys don’t sleep as much when they hit these milestones because they are constantly thinking about mastering these new skills. Similar to when us adults have big tests, meetings, etc we are prepping for. It may be a bunch of mumbo jumbo but hopefully this is temporary because mom and dad are exhausted and it’s only Tuesday. 5:15 is his new wake up time which is just not happening! My mom has been absolutely amazing with Evan these past few days and I am soooo thankful she is here to help us. Hopefully things get a little easier on all of us once he goes back to his old predictable schedule (fingers crossed).

Dr. Bauer advised us to wait a few days to do Evan’s next fill, which we now do on Thursdays. We plan to do his next fill Saturday, with his final fill Friday evening before we take off Saturday (per Dr. Bauer’s approval). Hard to believe surgery is 13 days away. Let the countdown begin!