Thursday. We were able to get 24 cc’s which puts us as 212 cc’s, or
85% of our goal. I was hoping for 88% on the day Evan turned 8 months old but beggars can’t be choosers :).
We also have experienced our first potential roadblock. I am trying to be positive and optimistic, but I feel as though we were due for an illness. Besides a milk and soy intolerance (which Evan has outgrown, lucky me!), Evan has not been sick thus far. We noticed one of his daycare girlfriends had a terrible cough when picking him up Thursday
night, so we decided to play it safe and I worked from home Friday. I noticed around 11am that Evan felt rather warm. His spirits seemed ok but he was also a bit clingier than normal. In true paranoid mom fashion, I took his temperature and it read 102.0. That is by far the highest his temperature has ever been, and he deteriorated from then on out. He constantly had to be held, and he was going in and out for most of the afternoon.
I immediately called his nurse in Chicago and she decided to put him on antibiotics. Unfortunately, I didn’t think to try to get Evan in
with his pediatrician as he was responding well to the Advil at this point. When Jeff got him, he got the drugs and Evan yet again started to go downhill. We took his temperature again, and it had spiked to 103.2. We were borderline freaking out at this point and almost out the door to the ER, but we decided to leave a voicemail with our pediatricians nurse line (they had closed) and call our nurse in Chicago yet again to let her know his fever spiked.
The reason we are so much more paranoid than normal is that not only do we have to worry about Evan getting the normal baby ailments like the flu, a cold, ear infection, etc., we also run the risk of his actual expander getting infected, which could be extremely detrimental.
The nurse in Chicago had us check his bubble for discoloration and/or heat, neither of which were an issue. His pediatrician also called back and eased our nerves by telling us he was probably ok to just monitor until their walk-in hours Saturday morning. We just need to
stay ahead of the Advil and make sure he gets his antibiotics once a day. His left ear did look pink compared to his right, so my money is on that. My money is on anything other than an infected expander.
My mom flies out tomorrow afternoon to watch him these last few weeks, thank goodness!!
Please keep him in your thoughts as we need a healthy boy when we head to Chicago in two weeks…

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